Multisim Modelathon 2016 Competition

A three day competition aimed at PhD students and post-doc researchers to solve a multiscale biomechanical problem and win prizes!
Sheffield University

The Multisim Modelathon 2016 Competition offers an amazing chance to work as a part of a team, collaborate with researchers from all over the world to overcome specific multiscale modelling challenges in front of industry and academic experts, learn new skills, and make new friends along the way.  Each of the 5 winning participants will receive Amazon gift vouchers of £100.

This event aims to train the best minds in the area of multiscale modelling using the concept of a hackathon where different teams work on a challenging problem to ‘hack’ computer code. This event, however, uses ‘modelling’ rather than 'hacking'!

By utilising computer simulations, participants will compete to find quicker and more effective methods of addressing musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases. The challenges will be based on the subject of multiscale biomechanics and teams will have access to state-of-the-art techniques and software (including Abaqus, Ansys, Simpleware, Mimics, Matlab and OpenSim) to work through this challenge.  

This year's Modelathon with focus on coupling multi physics problems related to musculoskeletal and cardiovascular pathologies.  Participants will gain a deeper insight in to building finite element models from personalised clinical data. They will increase their skills using the technical software provided by our sponsors.

More information on the event registration at The University of Sheffield online store 


Sheffield University

Date: 25/05/2016 | Tag: | News: 478 of 1653
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