MEP Linda McAvan visits VPH supporting member Insigneo to see application of in silico

On 5 May, the Insigneo Institute of the University of Sheffield presented at his annual showcase how in silico medicine contributes to improve diagnosis and prognosis for e.g Parkinson’s and pulmonary vascular disease. The theme this year was “clinical translation”.
Insigneo Showcase

The showcase included presentations on the latest research from the Insigneo Institute:

  • Dr Andy Swift, Insigneo Senior Clinical Research fellow, presented his model of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which is currently diagnosed by an invasive catheterisation to test pressure in the pulmonary artery. Dr. Swift developed a non-invasive MRI-based test which has been shown accurate in a study with data of 450 patients.
  • Dr. Alisdair McNeill, Insigneo Senior Clinical Fellow, presented his model on gait analysis to detect changes in Parkinson’s disease progression or at risk individuals developing Parkinson. The majority of the current tests are very subjective and not sensitive to changes in clinical state.

In addition to the research topics, there was place for debate with world experts in silico medicine, including Frédéric Turquier (Director, Research and Development, Surgical Innovations, Medtronic); Norbert Graf (Professor in Paediatric Oncology, University of Saarland, Germany); and Peter Varga, (Director, National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest, Hungary).

MEP Linda McAvan’s press release on her visit can be found here.

More information on the Insigneo event can be found here.


Insigneo Showcase

Date: 01/06/2016 | Tag: | News: 480 of 1668
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