Launch of Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development

On 26 August, the WHO Regional Office for Europe launched the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development.

The scope of the Pan-European Commission is to revisit policy priorities within the context of pandemics. With the aim of establishing consensus on these proposals, the Pan-European Commission endeavours to frame health and social care as key societal and political priorities for sustainable development and social cohesion across 53 Member States in the Euro Region.

Key points

  • WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr Hans Kluge highlighted the need to address health as a political imperative under the auspices of the Sustainable Development Goals in order to increase the resilience of pertinent systems. 
  • Appointed Commission chair Professor Mario Monti expressed his concern about the paralysing inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic and lauded the progressive establishment of the high-level Pan-European Commission as a means of consolidating sustainable development.
  • Chaired by Prof. Mario Monti, the Pan-European Commission shall comprise former heads of states and governments, renowned scientists and economists, heads of healthcare and social care entities and distinguished stakeholders from business and financial institutions. 

The Commission’s first deliverable shall be a comprehensive report finalised by September 2021. With the support of a Scientific Advisory Board, the document shall comprise a series of reviewed evidence submitted by researchers, allied health care professionals and scientific communities in the pan-European region

This initiative aims to assess the various health system responses regarding the fight against COVID-19 and propose recommendations to bolster their resilience.

Date: 10/09/2020 | Tag: | News: 1116 of 1661
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