Joint OpenMultiMed-VPH workshop on Multiscale Modelling in Systems Medicine

On 7 February 2020, members of the OpenMultiMed COST action and the VPH community organised a joint workshop in Leuven.

The goal of the workshop was to discuss open research challenges that must be overcome to leverage the promise of multiscale modelling within systems biomedicine and in silico medicine as well as to facilitate discussions and collaboration between the two modelling communities that work on similar technologies and applications but have a different historic background. 

After an introductory round two breakout groups were formed to discuss:

  1. How to raise the bar for publication of models, practical reproducibility, standards for verification and validation;
  2. Bridging from molecular to physiological and physiological to molecular.  

In the afternoon program, the discussion focused on the integration of data science and mechanistic multiscale modeling.

Further information on the COST action can be found at:

Date: 20/02/2020 | Tag: | News: 1053 of 1653
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