Jinkō the first collaborative clinical trial simulation platform

Using in silico trials based on mechanistic models, the jinkō platform predicts clinical outcomes before trials in human subjects.

In silico trials have gained traction as conventional studies have become more challenging and expensive to run, helping explain why regulators such as the US FDA are encouraging their use.

They require accurate, detailed models of disease and treatment(s), and what we call “virtual populations” – individual patient data captured in a realistic range of relevant variables. The explosion of medical knowledge, data and analytics has enabled both the modeling and virtual population components of in silico trials to become more sophisticated and precise.

Nova’s mathematical disease models encompass the scientific community’s accumulated data and insights in a transparent, auditable fashion. Its virtual populations can be built with almost limitless size and scope, and even include ‘digital twins’ – exact copies of a given individual – allowing treatment and placebo to be tested in parallel on the same virtual subject.

Nova’s trial simulation platform jinkō offers an integrated suite of user-friendly applications across the R&D spectrum – from discovery to market access. It allows scientists and clinicians (not just modeling experts) to collaboratively explore, design and simulate any iteration of a trial protocol to identify the best scenario. And since each model component can be traced back to primary source documentation, everything is fully auditable, and updatable.

Jinkō is designed to be fully integrated into the conventional R&D process. Investigators can test a range of treatment regimens or combinations of treatments on virtual populations designed to mirror eligible patient groups. The impact of any single variable (in the regimen or in the population) can be studied without the constraints like bias, associated with real-world trials.

Jinkō is now being used by Big Pharma and Biotech clients across a range of indications. The underlying models have generated impactful results across respiratory and cardiovascular disease, chronic hepatitis B and lung cancer.

Want a live tour of the jinkō platform as presented during our workshop at VPH 2022? Book a demo here

For more information, please visit www.novadiscovery.com

Date: 22/09/2022 | Tag: | News: 1357 of 1653
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