Innovator Awards - Funding great ideas for healthcare

The Wellcome Trust funds up to £500,000 to researchers who are developing healthcare innovations that could make a major impact on human health.

The Wellcome Trust Innovator Awards support researchers who are transforming great ideas into healthcare innovations. In particular the scheme funds product development for healthcare such as therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, digital technology and regenerative medicine. 

The current focus areas are mental health, neurological disorders and neglected tropical diseases, although applications from other areas will be also considered.

Who can apply: Innovator Awards accepts proposals from individuals and teams anywhere in the world, working in any discipline (not just the life and medical sciences), from academic, not-for-profit and commercial organisations. 

Level of funding: Up to £500,000

Duration of funding: Usually up to 24 months

Additional information can be found here

Date: 06/06/2017 | Tag: | News: 611 of 1653
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