INNOVAHEART - the joint European workshop on the digital heart

For the first time, five EU-funded projects - SimCardioTest, SIMCor, SimInSitu, the CSA EDITH and the EIT Health project inEurHeart - joint their forces to bring together the different actors of the in silico cardiovascular ecosystem at the one-day InnovaHeart workshop

Organised in in Bordeaux on 22 March 2023, this very successful event saw the participation of 200 engineers, scientists and representatives of both SMEs and large industrial companies working on the digital heart.

This one-day workshop offered a combination of lectures, roundtables and live demonstrations, with opportunities for knowledge exchange and discussion on state of the art, exploitation and regulatory approval perspectives, contributing to the creation of an e-health ecosystem dedicated to the heart well-being and cardiovascular diseases. It was also a great setting for the various consortium members to meet and exchange ideas!

Being involved in 3 out of the 5 projects that supported the event, the VPHi had a very active role and, for the occasion, sent a VPHi delegation to contribute to this very special day.



Date: 28/03/2023 | Tag: | News: 1436 of 1653
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