Horizon Europe Programme negotiations update

The first evaluation of Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Innovation Launchpad actions under the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot selected 25 proposals, which will receive an invitation for grant agreement preparation.

Interestingly, among the selected projects, six of them are supporting innovation in the health sector:

  1. Artificial Intelligence Enhancement Of Surgical Technology For The Reduction Of Human Behaviour-Related Surgical Accidents (BESAFE)
  2. Development of deuterium metabolic imaging to map body biochemistry with MRI (BodyDMI)
  3. Commercialisation of neuronal cell co-cultures (COMMER-CELL)
  4. Commercialisation of 3D scaffold platforms for neuronal cell culture models (SCAFFOLD-NEEDS)
  5. Metabolic Imaging with RF Antennas to predict Chemotherapy Efficacy (MIRACLE)
  6. Universal regulatory library for any cell type (UNILIB)

From 2018 to 2020 the FET Innovation LaunchPad is part of the European Innovation Council pilot with an overall budget of EUR 8.2 million. In addition, FET Innovation LaunchPad evaluates submitted projects for funding once a year. The next deadline is 8 October.


Innovation Launchpad projects support finished or ongoing FET projects in the upgrading of the technology readiness level, the identification of potential markets or in commercialising products. Therefore, the focus lays on their practicality rather than the budgetary support since they are very short in duration. 

FET activities consist of 3 lines of activities:

  1. FET-Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies;
  2. FET Proactive – Boosting emerging technologies; and
  3. FET Flagships – Tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges. 

Date: 08/03/2019 | Tag: | News: 918 of 1653
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