European Commission publishes e-Health inequality Report

On 11 April 2014, the European Commission published a series of reports, including most importantly a report on e-Health inequality

The report was prepared by the eHealth Stakeholder Group (east), an advisory group to the Commission. The eHealth Stakeholder Group is composed of representatives from the most important European organisations active in the eHealth field, covering a wide range of  stakeholders: from patients, consumers, healthcare professionals to the industry and was created following a call for expression of interest end 2011.

In general terms this report gives useful information on the state of play of  e-Health in equalities whilst simultaneously providing the Commission with a series of key recommendations to advance e-Health in the EU.

The key recommendations put forward in order to combat e-Health inequalities include the following:

  • Integrate eHealth into overall health and social care system policy- all measures should be put in place to allow the health record to move with the patient so as to enable health professionals to communicate remotely with each other and with patients.This particular recommendation is very much in keeping with the issues raised by the EU Health Ministers in their recent Informal Meeting and as such signals the mounting awareness of the need to include e-Health as a central facet of each Member State health system.
  • Improve access and involve all stakeholders- This particular recommendation lends itself to highlighting the need for eHealth solutions to become more widely accepted. it is important for them to be as accessible, affordable and user-centric as possible.
  • Accommodate diverse needs and reduce technological pressure- this recommendation advocates the need for tailored solutions in order to accommodate the needs of specific population groups. Additionally, It is also highlighted that end users must be exposed to what concrete benefits eHealth can bring to their lives in order for deployment to become routine.
  • Improve digital health literacy and ensure user education at all levels- Since eHealth literacy comprises a whole set of different literacyā€™s, there is a growing need to educate and train individuals in all of these elements, especially members of vulnerable and at-risk groups

This report will also be shared with the eHealth Governance Initiative which gives technical support to the eHealth Network, a network of Member States representativeā€™s expert in the field of eHealth.

Date: 08/05/2014 | Tag: | News: 254 of 1653
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