Elected Board members of the UK National chapter

On 31 May 2018 the VPHi announced the results of the election of the BoD members of the UK National chapter.

On 15 September 2017 a meeting was hosted by Insigneo at the University of Sheffield to explore establishing a UK Chapter of the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Institute. 9 months after that first meeting, the Chapter has become a tangible reality with a statute and an elected board. 

The members of the VPH-UK chapter are individual persons or organisations who are members in good standing of the VPH Institute or the Avicenna Alliance, and that are affiliated to a UK-based organisation, or UK-based branch of such organisation.

The UK Chapter pursues five distinct objectives:

  • A common View: Develop and periodically update a collegial view on the strength, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities for in silico medicine research, innovation, and its adoption in UK;

  • Support, community, sharing: Establish a community of practice that provides mutual support, constructive peer review, exchanges best practices and tools, shares clinical champions;

  • Formalise the Network: Seek network funding to expand the community, develop a common narrative on vision, scope, achievements, impact, etc. and interact more effectively with funding bodies;

  • Public Policy Communication: use the community and the network outputs to promote the VPH to policy makers and funders;

  • The grand challenge: To develop an in silico medicine national grand challenge that can attract extraordinary investments from the government.

To finalise the creation of the chapter, the elections process of the members of the board of directors recently took place. 

The five candidates nominated to cover the available positions have been duly elected:

  • Enrico Dall’Ara (Insigneo Institute for in silico Medicine at the University of Sheffield)
  • Pietro Liò (University of Cambridge)
  • Moazen Mehran (University College London)
  • Marlène Mengoni (University of Leeds)
  • Emilie Sauvage (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children / UCL)

The BoD members will be the drivers of all future initiatives of the chapter, and will officially runs its general affairs and represents the UK Chapter in all circumstances. 

We wish to congratulate with the team for the recent appointment and we look forward to hearing about the future developments. 


Would you like to join the UK Chapter of the VPH Institute? Contact Martina Contin for more information: manager@vph-institute.org

Date: 05/06/2018 | Tag: | News: 800 of 1668
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