Drive the VPHi Institute: become a supporting member!

Supporting members are the true engine of our organization: they effectively drive the Institute’s policy, setting agendas and proposing specific actions. Supporting members are entitled to appoint a representative to seat in the Board of Directors, which is formally the main governing body of the Institute. Don’t miss out this opportunity!
Call for supporting membersv5

Since its establishment, the VPH Institute has been very active in bringing VPH research out of obscurity, advocating a greater focus on the application of VPH approaches in research and health policy.  VPHi has had a number of successes in influencing opinions and decisions in the European Parliament and Commission. In January 2014, the European Parliament, in an overwhelming majority, voted in favour of policy that specifically recognised the VPH Institute as an example of a successful eHealth solution and called for the continued funding of related activities in the next Horizon 2020 work programme. And the funding opportunities has now materialized: in the draft text of the next H2020 work programme almost 20 calls for project are specifically related to VPH, ensuring plenty of opportunities to our research community.

In addition to it, as part of the CSA project “Avicenna: a strategy for in silico Clinical Trials VPHi is focusing in the creation of an industrial alliance, the go-to organisation for all things related to in silico medicine in the EU policy environment. One of the alliance main goals will be the creation of a proposal for an EU Public Private Partnership (PPP) on in silico Medicine, similar to the Innovative Medicine’s Initiative, with a view to attracting  further funding support for the 2017-2018 budget cycle.

All this progresses can definitely  be called a great success, and this success was made possible thanks to the hard work  and drive of the members of the board of directors.  

Thanks to the call for supporting members, your organisation will have the opportunity to join the VPHi team, actively driving the future activities and ensuring the VPH initiative will continue to develop and flourish, creating opportunities for the whole community.

Supporting members are selected through a public call. The call opens today and will last till the end of August. To respond to the call, you would need to send a formal letter of commitment to (download template)

The Institute makes available a maximum of 12 supporting memberships, number that shall guarantee the effectiveness of our governance model. In case the number of received requests will be higher, the General Assembly will decide upon it through a formal vote.

For this year the fee is set at €5.000. Being the membership with the highest level of involvement, supporting members have the duty to sustain a major part of the financial viability of the Institute.

Question and Answers

Who can participate to the call?

The call is open to all organizations (both private and public) that are legally established and whose legal status, articles of association and activities are supportive of the purpose of the VPH institute.

What are the benefits of the supporting membership?

1. Appoint a representative to the board of director

2. Drive the VPH Institute’s policy (in all its aspects: proposing specific actions, setting agendas…)

3. Associate your own institution to the visibility of the VPH institute as a whole

4. Discount to the VPH conferences for all the affiliated/employees

5. Full access to all the initiatives the VPH institute takes part to.

How can I participate to the call?

To respond to the call, you will need to send a letter of commitment (signed by the legal representative of your organization) to: In the letter, you will be requested to:

1. Appoint a representative

2. Approve the Statute of the VPH Institute 

Download the letter of commitment template

What is the submission deadline?

Aug 31st, 2015

What is the current supporting member composition?

The supporting membership institutions form the BoD. Its current composition can be viewed here.

When will the new board take charge?

From September 2015, as soon we will receive the payment of the supporting quota (€.5000). The board mandate will last for one full year.


Call for supporting membersv5

Date: 07/05/2015 | Tag: | News: 379 of 1668
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