DISCIPULUS The Consultation Process

The DISCIPULUS project began in October 2011, and will run until March 2013. The first consultation exercise will take place in Barcelona on the 29th-30th March 2012.

This meeting will bring selected experts from the clinical, research and academic communities together to discuss issues surrounding the Digital Patient initiative. The exercise will involve working through clinical scenarios and case studies, with the aim to highlight the opportunities and challenges of integrating patient data and predictive models.

This first meeting will be focused on clinical and industrial needs and designed to gather information from a selected group of clinical and R&D colleagues. A second, larger meeting will be held at the end of November 2012, also in Barcelona. This meeting will be open to anyone interested in shaping the Digital Patient roadmap and will be a two-day event.

If you think you will attend this meeting, please fill in the Doodle poll here (http://www.doodle.com/hkqtv2xgwfaszg5d) to indicate which dates best suit.

Date: 29/03/2012 | Tag: | News: 9 of 1668
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