Commission's response to Parliamentary question on mHealth Consultation

On the 11 June 2014 the European Commission (EC) published its answer to a Parliamentary Question on the subject matter of mHealth.

The question was tabled by Ms. Marlene Mizzi (Malta, S&D) on 16 April 2014 and inquired specifically as to the timing and reasoning of the EC with regard to the publication of a Consultation paper on mobile health at the end of the Parliament term, when all of the MEPs were engaged in campaigning activities in their respective Member States.

Commissioner Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Digital agenda clarified the Commissions commitment to mHealth and specified the following:

  • As mHealth is a fast developing domain, it is important to launch actions as soon as possible.
  • The time until the new College/EP will be put in place is optimally used for consulting the stakeholders, analyzing the responses and preparing potential policy proposals.
  • The new Commission/European Parliament will decide and be fully involved, on the potential next steps.

The underlying element of importance in this answer is that Commissioner Kroes alluded to the consultation timing as part of “preparing potential policy proposals”. This makes the VPH response to the consultation on mHealth all the more important.

The link to the both the question and answer are available here and here

Date: 08/07/2014 | Tag: | News: 276 of 1653
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