Call for expression of interest: eHealth Stakeholder Group members

The Commission has launched a call for expression of interest to renew the membership of the eHealth Stakeholder Group. The group will mainly contribute to implementing the eHealth Action Plan and to the activities of the eHealth Network.

The eHealth Stakeholder group was established in 2012 with a three-year mandate. The group provided valuable input to the implementation of the eHealth Action Plan and the Digital Agenda for Europe actions on eHealth.

A call for expression of interest has been launched to renew the membership of the group. It will be composed of up to 30 European umbrella organisations and associations representing users (patients, professionals, providers, payers etc), industry, research and standardisation organisations. Members of the group will be appointed for a period of three years.

The aim of the group is to discuss and to contribute to the development of eHealth policy at EU level in a multidisciplinary approach. In particular, it will contribute to the implementation of the eHealth Action Plan and the eHealth Network activities.

The call will be open until 31 January 2016.

Date: 04/12/2015 | Tag: | News: 433 of 1668
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