The VPH Institute has opened the call for bids to host the next VPH conference in 2014. Interested organisations should submit their bid by January 13th, 2013.
The International Conference on the Virtual Physiological Human (VPHxxxx) is a conference series held biennially on even years, whose objective is to provide a forum for the discussion and the dissemination of the broad field ofin silicomedicine. The first issue was in 2010 in Brussels, followed by a second in 2012 in London.
The conference is intended also as an opportunity for researchers from all over the world to establish collaborations regardless of geopolitical barriers, identifying areas of cooperation, and promoting the development of partnerships for new research and educational initiatives in the area ofin silicomedicine.
Each conference is organised by a local organising committee, selected through a public bid by the Board of Directors of the VPH Institute.
On Sept 18th, 2012, during VPH2012, the Board of Directors of the VPH Institute, Prof Viceconti, announced the call for bids to organise the VPH2014 conference.
Here you can find the full text of the call.