Call 9 is open: may the best proposals win!!

On January 18th 2012 the European Commission published a new call for VPH-type research: FP7 ICT Call 9. The success of current VPH projects has enabled DG-INFSO to secure a budget of €58m for further research.

CALL 9 of the ICT programme is open from 18.01.2012 until 12.04.2012 with an overall budget of  €291m. The details of the call are now available at: 

The VPH section will be included under Challenge 5, “ICT for health, ageing well, inclusion and governance,” Strategic Objective 5.2.

In an effort to encourage world-wide partnerships (and avoid duplication of effort), up to €3m has been reserved for consortium partners in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Canada.  A further €8.5m of the total has been earmarked for “demonstrators” to showcase the possibilities of these new tools.

We wish best luck to any of you is working on a proposal!

Date: 18/01/2012 | Tag: | News: 5 of 1653
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