Avicenna Event 2 – Rome 6th June 2014

The Avicenna project, supported by the European Commission, is developing the pathway towards the modernisation of the clinical trials process by introducing complex computer simulations, that shall make the process quicker, more efficient and less expensive.
Avicenna event 2

The Avicenna team has been given the task of preparing a ‘Roadmap’ identifying the steps to take on this pathway. This will be done partly by bringing together experts in a planned series of five events.

The second Expert’s Meeting was held in Rome, on Friday 6th June 2014. It brought together around 50 industrial research experts from the medical device and pharma industries with experience of - or an interest in – the conceptual and design stages of clinical trials to begin to add detail to the design of the process that will ultimately be recommended to the Commission.

In addition to achieving the alignment of participants’ views, the outputs from the event included:

  • Identification of conceptual “holes” through a recapitulation/discussion/ratification session of the outline roadmap that has already resulted from our initial academically-driven meeting,
  • Developing understanding of the research/commercial relationships within industrial organisations,
  • Prioritising the topics to be taken forward to the next Avicenna Event

This second event was very fruitful and gave the opportunity to collect plenty of interesting inputs, that will be fed into the next steps of the project. This was largely due to the precious collaboration of the experts that have been involved in the process: their knowledge, expertise, participation and enthusiasm are the essential ingredients of the Avicenna recipe.

The three further events that will take place over the following 18 months will tackle the overall concept, the technical and regulatory systems required, and finally, the standards to which in silico clinical trials will operate. A crucial part of our activity is reaching agreement on how we might all continue to work together, after this planning period, to complete process and actually create working ‘in silico’ simulations, to our agreed standards.

Avicenna event 3 is scheduled on Oct 30-31, 2014 in Lyon (France). If you are interested to attend, please contact us at events@avicenna-isct.org


Avicenna event 2

Date: 10/07/2014 | Tag: | News: 284 of 1670
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