AVICENNA ALLIANCE members case studies on in silico medicine

The AA has collected five case studies to show the potential that has yet to be unleashed by modelling and simulation.

"Today in healthcare we are held back by the comfort of “familiar uncertainty”. We know that our current models of healthcare do not do enough to guarantee patient safety. We know they do not go far enough to ensure we only fund the most effective treatments. Yet we have become familiar with these models and so have done little to challenge them. 

Rising co-morbidities, global health epidemics and the challenges of an ageing population are forcing us out of our comfort zone and so once again, necessity is the mother of all invention. Complexity is the one trait that all of the healthcare challenges we face have in common and what we need is a means of understanding it. 

Computer modelling and simulation (CM&S) is the means by which we can turn vast quantities of data into actionable information we can use. What can CM&S accomplish? Nothing short of redefining terms like ‘patient safety’, ‘efficacy’ and ‘cost effectiveness’ by forever raising the quality of data needed to meet high standards. 

To do this we need to demonstrate what can be already done to give an idea of what we could do in future with the right regulator support and uptake across the healthcare sector. 

The case studies in this document give but a glimpse of the potential that has yet to be unleashed by modelling and simulation." 

Thierry Marchal - Avicenna Alliance Secretary General

Download the full document here

Date: 16/06/2020 | Tag: | News: 1099 of 1668
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