Artificial Intelligence “Made in Europe”

On 7 December, the European Commission presented a coordinated plan on Artificial Intelligence (AI) prepared with Member States to foster the development and use of AI in Europe.

This coordinated plan for “AI made in Europe” details actions to start in 2019 /2020 and prepares the ground for activities in the following years. Coordination with Member States will continue and the plan will be reviewed and updated annually. The Commission's new AI knowledge serviceAI Watch, will help monitor the development of AI in Europe and the implementation of the coordinated plan.

The plan proposes joint actions for cooperation between Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the Commission in view of:

  1. Strategic actions and coordination – Building on Europe’s strengths, to develop and implement in partnership with industry and Member States shared agendas for industry-academia collaborative Research and Development (R&D) and innovation.
  2. Maximising Investment – Adapting learning and skilling programmes and systems to prepare Europe’s society and its future generations for AI.
  3. From the lab to the market – Building up essential capacities in Europe underpinning AI such as data spaces and world-class reference sites for testing and experimentation.
  4. Skills and life-long learning – Making public administrations in Europe frontrunners in the use of AI.
  5. Data: a cornerstone for AI – Creating a Common European Data Space – Implementing, on the basis of expert work, clear ethics guidelines for the development and the use of AI in full respect of fundamental rights, with a view to set global ethical standards and be a world leader in ethical, trusted AI.
  6. Ethics by design and regulatory framework – Where needed, reviewing the existing national and European legal framework to better adapt them to specific challenges.

Next steps

According to the European Commission, stronger coordination is essential for Europe to become the world-leading region for developing and deploying cutting-edge, ethical and secure AI.

Therefore, the Commission strives towards completing the Digital Single Market and its regulatory framework and calls on  Member States and the European Parliament to find an agreement as soon as possible on the legislative proposals on cybersecurity, open data and the next EU budget, which includes funding for research and innovation as well as deployment of AI technologies.

Date: 17/01/2019 | Tag: | News: 888 of 1668
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