Adoption of JRC’s Work Programme for 2018-19

In early May, the European Commission adopted the Joint Research Council’s (JRC) Work Programme for 2018-19, which falls under Horizon 2020.

In the next two years, the JRC will work on the resilience of societies, the drivers and impact of fairness and the impact of new technologies on society.

It will also support the European Commission in improving the way it manages knowledge. The JRC’s knowledge management activities will include setting up knowledge centres for territorial policies, disaster risk management, food fraud and quality, migration and demography, and bioeconomy, in addition to the competence centres on micro-economic evaluation, composite indicators and scoreboards, data and text mining, and modelling that the JRC has already established.


The JRC is the Commission’s science and knowledge service. It provides scientific advice and support to EU policy, based on research activities carried out by scientists.

For more information, please check the Commission’s website here and here.

Date: 01/06/2018 | Tag: | News: 793 of 1670
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