On 14 January, the ITRE Committee has adopted a final report on artificial intelligence and robotics.
The European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy has adopted a final report on its own-initiative report “A comprehensive European industrial policy on artificial intelligence and robotics” with the aim to adopt a motion for a European Parliament Resolution.
The final report includes the following topics:
a) Potential of AI, machine learning, big data and robotics
b) Personalised healthcare
c) EU world-leader in healthcare technologies
Calls on the Commission to work on strategies and policies that can position the EU as a world-leader in the growing field of health care technology.
d) More transparency for citizens on AI use
Notes that citizens are concerned about not knowing when AI is being used and what information will be processed and therefore recommends that there is clear disclosure when AI is used.
Should the European Parliament adopt the motion for a resolution, it would recognise the preeminent role that AI and robotics could play in personalised medicine and healthcare. Moreover, calling on the Commission to foster the position of the EU as a world-leader of healthcare technologies, would likely result in new strategies and legislative proposals on the agenda of the new Commission after the elections in May 2019.
Next steps
On basis of this final report, a motion for a European Parliament Resolution will likely be submitted to a vote in the Parliament’s Plenary session on 11 February 2019.
Own-initiative (INI) reports are non-legislative reports initiated by the Members of the European Parliaments (MEPs), which are aimed at defining the European agenda in the early phase of the legislative cycle. They often pave the way for new legislative proposals, exploring various topics of interest to Members, responding to Commission communications and expressing Parliament's position on various aspects of European integration.