All the presentations given during the 2017 VPH Summer School have been recorded and made available on YouTube. These videos are precious educational resources on specific in silico medicine topics.
Flow Phenomena in Biomedicine has been the main subject of the second VPH Summer School 2017 that took place from 22 to 26 May 2017. For the occasion, 15 international speakers presented a complete overview of state-of-the-art Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) research, covering important subjects, such as cell migrations, artery and airways remodelling, cardiac electrophysiology, complex flows and haemodynamic, functional and dynamic fluid-solid interactions, advanced clinical imaging and decision support systems, and regulatory aspects related to modelling.
All the lectures have been recorded and made available on the VPHi YouTube channel, forming an important set of educational resources.
VPH Summer School Lectures:
Flow imaging: from 1D Doppler measurements to 4D flow - Alberto Gomez (King's College London)
Understanding fetal cardiovascular Changes and the role of modelling - Bart Bijens (ICREA & DTIC, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Multiscale integrative modelling of asthmatic airway mechanobiology - Brindi Brook (University of Nottingham)
Cardiac multiscale models-coupling of multiphysics amb machine learning - Kristin McLeod (Simula Research)
Cardiac haemodynamics - Javier Bermejo (Gregorio Marañón Hospital)
4D MRI for studying blood flow in heart and vessels - José Rodríguez (Vall d'Hebrón Hospital)
Mechanobiology and mathematical modeling of atheroma plaque initiation and development - Miguel Angel Martínez (University of Zaragoza)
Chiken wings, cactus, windsocks and cauliflowers in cardiology - Oscar Camara (DTIC, University Pompeu Fabra)
Identifying faulty valves in the heart - Pablo Lamata (King's College London)
Honorary VPH lecture: Flow modelling for device and therapy regulation - Tina Morrison (Deputy Director, Division of Applied Mechanics, FDA)
Walking on water - why cartilage is hydrated - René van Donkelaar (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Whole-field optical metrology for vascular flow characterisation - M.Pilar Arroyo (i3A - University of Zaragoza)
Computational analysis of particule flows. Applications in biomechanics - Eugenio Oñate (International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering - CIMNE)
Cardiovascular pathophysiology: atherosclerosis, vascular remodeling and blood clotting - Gemma Vilahur (Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences - ICCC)
Euler and Lagrange-based schemes for Cardiovascular Flow Modeling - Hernan Morales (Philips)
The whole playlist is available on our YouTube channel