In the literature: March 2023 highlights
Click here to read some interesting recently published papers from our community. If you have published an article in the field of in silico medicine, send it to us: we will include it in this section of the newsletter!
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INNOVAHEART - the joint European workshop on the digital heart
For the first time, five EU-funded projects - SimCardioTest, SIMCor, SimInSitu, the CSA EDITH and the EIT Health project inEurHeart - joint their forces to bring together the different actors of the in silico cardiovascular ecosystem at the one-day InnovaHeart workshop
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SECRET international competition in cardiac modelling
This competition on inference in complex physiological models is organised as part of the SofTMech Statistical Emulation and Translation Hub.
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Non-animal Methods in Science and Regulation
The 2022 EURL ECVAM Status Report describes research, dissemination and promotion activities undertaken by the Joint Research Centre’s EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL ECVAM) to further the uptake and use of non-animal methods and approaches in science and regulation.
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Refinement Prize 2023: call for submissions
The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) has announced its 2023 Refinement Prize. Application deadline: 18 September 2023
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Insilico Medicine Brings AI-Powered "ChatPandaGPT" to its Target Discovery Platform
Insilico Medicine, a clinical-stage generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered drug discovery company, has integrated advanced AI chat functionality based on recent advances in large language models into its PandaOmics platform.
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