

  • VPH Institute: Call for supporting members

    Each member of the VPH Institute is welcome to express their interest to become supporting member for the YR 2012/2013. The dead-line expires on April 22nd, 2012.
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  • The case for open computer programs

    This paper, recently published in Nature –vol. 482, Feb 23rd, 2012– by Darrel C. Ince, Leslie Hatton & John Graham-Cumming gives voice to a debate that has interested the scientific community for a while: linking data and models to publications. The authors argue that, with some exceptions, anything less than the release of source programs is intolerable for results that depend on computation.
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  • VPH paper in the most downloaded and cited articles of Royal Society

    The Royal Society has recently published the list of the ten most cited paper for its journals, and in the listing of Interface Focus we are happy to see a VPH paper!
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  • HAMAM: successful outcome for project to improve breast cancer diagnosis through integrated clinical workstation

    Wednesday, February 29 saw the official end of the ambitious HAMAM (Highly Accurate Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Integration of Biological Knowledge, Novel Imaging Modalities, and Modelling) project, which has culminated in the successful development of a prototype clinical workstation, combining the various technologies and information required to characterise and classify suspicious breast tissue.
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  • DISCIPULUS consultation meeting planning

    The preparations for the first exercise in community consulting are in full swing. The list of invited expert attendees is taking shape, and the agenda for the meeting is nearly complete.
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  • EAMBES: Recommendations to Horizon2020

    The EAMBES Policy Affairs working group has recently analysed the Horizon 2020 document and produced some recommendations which will form the basis of subsequent policy actions in support of Biomedical Engineering research across Europe. The recommendations will now be presented at the EAMBES Expert Policy Workshop hosted by dr Ulmer at the European Parliament on March 27th, 2012.
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