DISCIPULUS: A Productive Day; More to Follow in the New Year
Towards the end of the Second Consultation Meeting, a lot of material from the scientific and technical challenge break-out session had been generated from which the Digital Patient Roadmap could be built. There was a final plenary session in which this rich resource for the roadmap was reviewed.
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DISCIPULUS: How Were These Topics Discussed on the Day?
Following opening addresses by the PI of DISCIPULUS (Dr Vanessa Diaz) and the Facilitator of the Meeting (Isabelle Read), each clinical challenge was presented by a clinician who was a recognised expert on the condition underlining the challenge.
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DISCIPULUS: What Were the Topics Discussed on the Big Day?
The intellectual crux of the meeting on Tuesday the 27th of November, centred on six clinical challenges and six scientific and technical challenges.
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Single European Patent to be introduced in 2014
After almost 40 years of debate and diplomacy, a historic agreement to establish a single, harmonised European patent system has been achieved.
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The VPH Institute contributed to the consultation on directions for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) research
As part of the ongoing effort to chart and shape the evolving landscape of future and emerging technologies, the EC published a public consultation to identify promising and potentially game-changing directions for future technological research. For the occasion the VPH Institute produced and submitted a document with the collaboration of the Policy Affairs working group.
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The Institute gives its views on the discussion paper "Addressing the New Challenges for Risk Assessment"
The European Commission recently launched a public consultation to receive feedback on the jointly drafted preliminary opinion on risk assessment of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) and the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER).
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