The Board of Trustees of the VPH Institute has been formally appointed
The Institute recently held the elections of the Board of Trustees
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The Digital Patient Roadmap: The Last Leg
Get involved in the road mapping exercise: your view is important!
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Physiology rocks the foundations of evolutionary biology
In the May review article published by the Experimental Physiology, Prof. Noble presents his theory on the major revolution occurring in evolutionary biology, which is set to change the nature of biology and of the importance of physiology.
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New VPH project kicks off: MD-Paedigree
MD-Paedigree is a clinically driven and strongly VPH rooted project, that aims to validate and bring to maturity patient-specific computer-based of various paediatric diseases, making them readily available not only in the form of sustainable models and simulations but also as newly defined work-flows for personalized, predictive medicine at the point of care.
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Neelie Kroes calls for “data revolution”
Vice President of the European Commission, Commissioner Neelie Kroes, during a speech in Brussels on 26 March 2013, declared “we have entered the era of big data”.
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Research Data Alliance promotes open access to scientific data
The EU, US and Australia have come together to promote open access to scientific data, through the formation of the Research Data Alliance (RDA).
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