Final details on eHealth Week Available
The 2015 eHealth week is due to be held in Riga, Latvia from 11-13 May 2015.
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Applications for Horizon 2020 increased drastically
Competition for funding at EU level is fiercer than ever.
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European Parliament votes to protect Horizon 2020
On 14 April 2015, the European Parliamentā€™s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) voted to safeguard cuts to the Horizon 2020 budget, cuts which would fund fund the Commissionā€™s European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI).
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Marie Curie Trainee on Heart Model available at UCL
Application deadline: 5 May 2015
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Marie Curie Trainee on Aortic Dissection Model available at UCL
Application deadline: 5 May 2015
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Plenty of funding opportunities for VPH in the Horizon 2020 draft Work Programme 2016-2017
Thanks to the hard word of the Policy Affairs Work Group of the Institute, VPH has significantly boosted its presence in the next H2020 Work Programme.
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