Virtual Physiological Human 2016 Conference - Call for papers now open
Deadline: 15 May 2016
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EMA consultation on the proposal of a collaboration framework with Academia
Contribute to the on-line questionnaire. Deadline: 15 April 2016.
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European Innovation Council (EIC)– what is it?
No it’s not the EIT, it’s also not the ERC or the EIP on AHA this is a brand new exciting acronym, the EIC.
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VPH training and job placements on the way
VPH’s 50% Membership of the Avicenna Alliance brings a unique opportunity to develop partnerships with industry. Key to this partnership is bringing value to VPH members.
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VPH PAWG getting to work in 2016
The Avicenna Alliance, the new Association for Predictive Medicine with 50% VPH board membership and 50% representation from healthcare industries is kick-starting its activities in 2016.
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Science policy made by scientists?
“If you want to get someone to talk about science, don’t bring a scientist”
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