Growing the Silver Economy in Europe
Our ageing populations are drivers of economic growth. The EU has launched a number of measures to stimulate this market and to help the European industry (and SMEs in particular) to address this opportunity.
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25 most influencial projects on ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing
A new European Commission study analyses the impact on society of EU-funded Research and Innovation in technology for active and healthy ageing.
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Report of the 5th eHealth Stakeholder Group
On April 26th, the European Commission hosted the 5th eHealth Stakeholder Group (eHSG) meeting in Brussels. Our executive director, Prof Lies Geris, attended the event as official representative of the VPH Institute in the group.
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European Union budget for 2021-2027: securing Europeā€™s digital future
On 2 May, the European Commission published a proposal for a long-term budget ā€“ so-called Multiannual Financial Framework ā€“ for the 2021-2027 period.
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Enabling the digital transformation of health and care
On 26 April, the European Commission published a Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market. The Communication includes a set of measures to increase the availability of data in the EU.
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Publication of European Parliamentā€™s Committee on Industry, Research and Energyā€™s draft opinion on HTA
The European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA) on 31 January. Since then, the European Parliamentā€™s Committees, which are going to be involved in the legislative process, have been appointing their rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs.
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