PhD and postdoc opportunities - May 2024
New calls with deadlines end May-early June
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In silico trial predict phase 3 clinical trial result
Dr. Duruisseaux from the Hospice Civil de Lyon (France) prospectively replicated a three-year long phase 3 trial (FLAURA 2) with an in silico trial executed on 5000 virtual patients, in few weeks. Days before the official release of the phase 3 FLAURA 2 results, he posted the promising results of the in-silico prediction on X, formerly Twitter, which closely resembled the real-clinical trials, albeit at fraction of time and cost.
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VPHi Best Poster Award 2024
All VPHi student members bringing a poster to the VPH2024 Conference will be automatically considered for the VPHi Best Poster Award that consists of a Certificate and a 350€ money prize.
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VPHi Travel Award for the VPH Conference 2024
The VPHi Institute will give Travel Vouchers to student members that are applying to participate at the VPH2024 Conference in Stuttgart
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Foundations for Digital Twins as Catalyzers of Biomedical Technological Innovation
The National Science Foundation (NSF) published a call for funding (n: 24-561) dedicated to Digital Twins.
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Event at the European Parliament on in silico medicine and in silico oncology
On 21 February 2024 a European Parliament (EP) info event on in silico medicine and in silico oncology took place in the Altiero Spinelli building in Brussels.
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