The EC3 portal in the EGI Applications on Demand service: how to create virtual elastic clusters in the EGI Federation

When: 16/05/2019 - 16/05/2019
Where: Webinar

This webinar will take place on 16 May, 2019 from 11:00 to 12:00 CEST. EC3 (Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster) is a tool to deploy virtual elastic clusters over multi-clouds. It is a web tool that facilitates the access to Cloud computing platforms to non-experienced users. A virtual cluster can be deployed with a few clicks. It maintains the “traditional” work environment: clusters configured with a LRMS (SLURM, SGE, Kubernetes, etc.) and scientific applications (Galaxy, NAMD, etc.). 

EC3 provides automated elasticity management. Working nodes are added or removed depending  on the workload of the cluster without any user intervention and it supports a wide range of cloud providers (public, federated and on-premises) including EGI FedCloud.

Learning objectives:
The webinar will introduce the key features of EC3, particularly:

  • Facilitates the access to Cloud computing platforms to non-experienced users.
  • Maitains the "traditional" work environment: clusters configured with a Local Resoruce Management System (LRMS) 
    and scientific applications.
  • Deploy clusters with a few clicks in a web portal.
  • Self managed cluster elasticity based on workload without any user intervention.

Target audience:

  • Scientists,
  • Research IT support people, and 
  • System administrators who operate services for Open Science.

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