SimCardioTest scientific workshop on verification & validation of in-silico models

When: 08/02/2022 - 08/02/2022
Where: online
Uncertainty in model predictions will be compared to actual measurement. And to extend the verification, validation will be implemented according to the ASMEV&V 40 standards including risk evaluation as well as certification support for in-silico trials.

To further discuss verification & validation processes for in-silico models, SimCardioTest organises this workshop, to be held on 8 February in the afternoon from 14 to 19 CET, to discuss challenges and advances made on these processes across different EU-funded projects.

The event is free and open to any scientists working on in-silico models, however REGISTRATION is mandatory.

The workshop will take place with the following program, which may be subject to variations:

14.00 - SimCardioTest Welcome note & Presentation, Maxime Sermesant, Inria

14.20 - Keynote Lecture on Verification & Validation of Modeling for MRI conditional safety, Romano Setzu,

15.00 - Verification & Validation processes in other EU H2020 projects moderator Liesbet Geris, VPHi

- InSilicoWorld and the Good Simulation Practice position paper, Marco Viceconti, Università di Bologna

- SIMCor: Validation Strategy for in-silico testing of medical devices based on virtual cohorts, Jan Brüning, Charité, Institute of Computer-assisted Cardiovascular Medicine

- SimInSitu - Challenges & Opportunities Implementing A Tiered Validation Approach, Nils Götzen 4realsim

- EU-Stands4pm, ISO-Technical Specification for computational modelling approaches, Marc Kirshner, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

16.00: end of the external workshop

SimCardioTest takes the mature field of cardiac simulations and brings it further through a web-based platform to perform standardised in-silico trials for testing the efficacy and safety of drugs and devices in 3 concrete use cases. The verification and uncertainty quantification, to abide by the standards, will allow to quantify discretisation error (in time and space), numerical solver error. Uncertainty in model predictions will be compared to actual measurement. And to extend the verification, validation will be implemented according to the ASME V&V 40 standards including risk evaluation as well as certification support for in-silico trials. To further discuss verification & validation processes for in-silico models, SimCardiotest organises this workshop.

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