Recognize, Repair, Regrow – Personalized Biomedicine Rises

When: 29/11/2017 - 01/12/2017
Where: Berlin - Germany
BSRT PhD Symposium 2017
8th BSRT Symposium

Each year PhD students from the Berlin-Brandenburg School of Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) organize a symposium on different aspects of Regenerative Medicine for their peers in Berlin and around the world.

Since scientists in the biomedical research field aspire to improve diagnostic or therapeutic options or simply to gain insight into the cause and development of diseases, they seek to be “little“ heroes with the hope that their daily work eventually finds clinical application.

For this reason this year’s symposium has been bestowed a superhero theme with the intention to unite scientists under the motto:


The BSRT Symposium mainly addresses junior scientists from Master students, PhD students to early postdocs. The attendees can expect several sessions, each named after a superhero whose superpower links to the specific aspect of regenerative medicine that will be the focus of that session. Topics will cover the latest technologies in regeneration, from diagnostics to clinical applications on a multiscale level from the genome to the entire organism.

Additionally, each junior scientist has the opportunity to present his/her own work, exchange ideas and network with peers. Senior experts are also invited to provide insights into their current research in the keynote lecture that opens each session.

Further information can be found on the symposium website


8th BSRT Symposium

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