Participants are asked to preregister online asap as seats are limited.
This workshop on "Computational multiphysics for soft materials processes and processing in health-tech" will take place in Monte VĂ©rita, Ascona from the 26th to the 28th of February 2020. The event targets mechanistic modeling and simulation of soft materials processes and processing in health-tech. Typical applications include transdermal drug delivery, skin burns, hyperthermic oncology, wound dressings and functionalized medical membranes for controlled release of active compounds. Such modeling will become an indispensable piece of the digitalization puzzle in precision medicine. For instance, digital twins of human organs are currently under development to obtain a complete virtual human avatar for in-silico testing of medical treatments. The models used range from the continuum modeling with finite elements to coarse graining and molecular dynamics simulations. This workshop particularly focusses on the largest human organ, namely the skin.
Target audience
Scientists, PhDs, postdocs and engineers working with computational models in health-tech. It is encouraged the participation of young researchers and women.
Participants are asked to preregister online. Since the number of participants is limited to 30, early registration is encouraged. After this preregistration, a link for official registration and information on the payment procedure will be sent to the participant.
After the preregistration, the event organizers will confirm participation if a place is available.
Please bear in mind that young researchers (e.g. PhD students) should also submit a tentative title of a poster (for the poster session) or a presentation title together with the registration.
The Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) is a division of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich (ETH Zurich), responsible for the promotion, selection and financing of international conferences, Workshops, ETH Summer and Winter Schools and situated in the south of Switzerland (Canton Ticino) at Monte VeritĂ .
Further information can be found on the event website