Held by teleconference
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, BioExcel has taken the decision to convert the face-to-face BioExcel Summer School into a remote version with a limited programme. The organisers are currently reviewing the school to assess which elements of it can be delivered in a remote setting. The aim is to open the lectures to all applicants, while introducing the selection process only for the hands-on practicals. There will likely be a small administrative charge to ensure full participation.
The BioExcel Summer School is a 5-day workshop with lectures and hands-on sessions on topics including Molecular Dynamics simulations, Biomolecular Docking, QM/MM, Free energy calculations and Advanced sampling methods. During the hands-on computer practicals, you will work on use cases integrating the various topics above making use, among others, of the BioExcel flagship software such as GROMACS, HADDOCK, PMX and CP2K. Selected participants will also have the opportunity to submit posters and provide a presentation on their abstracts. Â
Target Audience:Â The summer school is intended for researchers, primarily PhD and post-docs using or planning to use biomolecular modelling and simulation in their everyday research.Â
BioExcel will be providing a limited number of travel bursaries for this event. For more information and how to register: https://bioexcel.eu/events/bioexcel-summer-school-on-biomolecular-simulations-2020/
Speakers:Â The lectures and hands-on session will be given by internationally recognised leaders in the field of biomolecular research.
Alexandre Bonvin, BioExcel (University of Utrecht)
Bert de Groot, BioExcel (Max Planck Institute)
Vytautas Gapsys, BioExcel (Max Planck Institute)
Giuliano Malloci, University of Cagliari
Attilio Vittorio Vargiu, University of Cagliari
Vera Matser, BioExcel (EMBL-EBI)
Marta Lloret Llinares, BioExcel (EMBL-EBI)
Alexandre Bonvin, BioExcel (University of Utrecht)
Attilio Vittorio Vargiu, University of Cagliari
Giuliano Malloci, University of Cagliari
Application deadline: 22nd April 2020
Full information can be found here