6th VPH Summer School

When: 23/05/2022 - 27/05/2022
Where: Barcelona
Save the date for the 6th VPH Summer School: May 23-27, 2022 in Barcelona!

The thematic will be “Models & Simulations for highly multifactorial disorders”.

More details to come!

The VPH Summer School was co-organized by BCN MedTech at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Chair: Prof Jérôme Noailly and by the Virtual Physiological Human Institute (VPHi), with the collaboration of the UPF department of Experimental and Health Science and the QUAES Foundation.

It provides junior engineers, early researchers and medical doctors with an integrative view of state-of-the-art research for in silico medicine, following a complete pipeline from basic science and clinical needs, to model application.

The Summer School has the support of the European Society of Biomechanics, of the Spanish Network of Excellence in Biomechanics, CompBioMed and the QUAES-UPF Chair.

The summer school includes 15-morning lectures plus one honorary VPH lecture, given by leading international researchers.

The key methodological and technological concepts are enriched by afternoon hands-on sessions that stand for more than 15 hours of transversal training in in silico medicine technologies during the whole week, under the supervision of expert researchers.

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