6th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE19)

When: 10/06/2019 - 12/06/2019
Where: Sendai City - Japan
Abstract Submission deadline 15 February 2019

The 6th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE19) will be held between 10-12 June at Tohoku University, Katahira Campus, Sendai City, Japan.

Computational and mathematical modelling applied to biological problems is a rapidly expanding research area with the promise of considerable implications on human health and wellbeing, supporting the development of appropriate diagnostic tools, new instrumentation and medical devices to enable better clinical outcomes.

The International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE) aims at bringing together fellow researchers and academics, specialists of several disciplines, practitioners and graduate students with a common interest, to discuss the current state of the art of computational biomedical engineering research. See below for more information on the CMBE awards.

The themes of the conference are broad-ranging, with coverage of more theoretical or fundamental aspects, as well as implementation of new methodologies, assessment, verification/validation and varied applications in all (and not limited to) the topics listed below:


  • Cardiovascular problems, cardiac electromechanics
  • Complex biological phenomena, blood rheology, etc.
  • Multiscale/multiphysics biomedical/biological modelling
  • Biofluid mechanics, biomechanics
  • Soft tissue, constitutive modelling
  • Mechanobiology
  • Respiratory systems
  • Predictive modelling, computational surgery
  • Numerical methods, high performance computing applied to biomedical computational modelling and systems biology
  • Imaging and image processing (medical image segmentation, registration, etc.)
  • Inverse problems, uncertainty quantification in biomedical problems
  • Biomedical/cardiovascular devices, orthopaedic prosthesis design/modelling
  • Biological heat and mass transfer
  • Analytical/fundamental approaches
  • Biology and its links to diseases
  • Modelling in oncology
  • Experimental validation
  • Clinical relevance, translational issues

CMBE Awards

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (IJNMBE) Best PhD Award in Biomedical Engineering

The award consist of a registration fee waiver and travel grant sponsored by the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. The award will be granted at the discretion of a special scientific committee and announced during the conference.

Eligibility: You are eligible if you defended your doctoral thesis or obtained your PhD (or other equivalent postgraduate doctorate degree) within the last 2 years of the date of the conference, and if the subject of your thesis is of substantial current interest, and in accordance with the scope of the conference. The thesis must be written in English. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact the organisers before submitting your candidacy.

Documents required after submitting your candicady: To submit your candidacy, please tick the appropriate box in the online registration form. You will not be considered for the award unless you have registered and paid the appropriate fee before the early-bird registration deadline. The CMBE co chairs and committee will then contact you. You will be required to submit your doctoral dissertation (PhD Thesis or equivalent) for consideration by the special scientific committee, and an official document to confirm that you have obtained your degree (or have defended your thesis and will be receiving your degree).

CMBE Best Poster Presentation

A certificate and prize will be awarded for the best poster presentation. The award will be granted at the discretion of a special scientific committee and announced during the conference.

Eligibility: You are eligible if you submit your contribution for a poster presentation and if you have registered and paid the appropriate fee. You do not have to contact the co chairs and committee.

If your abstract is accepted, you will have to prepare your poster following the CMBE guidelines. After the notification of acceptance, more information will be available on the required format, dates/times of poster sessions, etc.

Important dates

  • Four pages abstract submission deadline-NEW: 15 February 2019,
  • Early bird registration deadline: 12 April 2019,
  • Conference dates: 10-12 June 2019.

Full information on the conference can be found here

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