2nd EMA international awareness session for international regulators, academia and non-governmental organisations

When: 08/03/2018 - 09/03/2018
Where: London - U.K.
Registration deadline: 16 February 2018

This two-day awareness session for international regulators and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) will give an insight into how the European medicines regulatory network works, the role of European Medicines Agency (EMA), scientific aspects of EMA's work and its interaction with scientific experts. It will address topics including the role of experts and benefit-risk evaluation. It will also provide networking opportunities with academics, NGOs staff and regulators from and outside the European Union. 

Places are limited so early expression of interest is recommended and should be sent by 16 February 2018 to EMA at the following email address: EMAinternational@ema.europa.eu 

Please note that there is no registration fee but the EMA will not fund participation, nor reimburse travel, visas, or accommodation. Also note that obtaining visas to travel to the UK may take up to 3 months. The event will be broadcast live. EMA will publish further material after the event.

Visit the link for further information and to vision the draft programme.

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