2021 VPHi General Assembly

When: 05/11/2021 - 05/11/2021
Where: On line

The VPHi General Assembly is the official meeting of the VPHi membership. It is held formally every year, with a major open-door event hosted every other year in association with the VPH bi-annual conference, the next one being on 6-9 September 2020 in Porto (Portugal): http://vph-conference.org/

As the governing body of the Institute, the General Assembly meets to take care of the official duties of the Institute as laid down in the statute. To fulfil this obligation, this year the General Assembly will be held in connection with the Board of Directors meeting on 5 Nov 2021 via teleconference.

The draft agenda for the General Assembly is as follows:



10:00 Welcome

10:05 – 10:45 Management and communication report:

°Administrative tasks

°2022 Supporting members

°Elections of the Board of Trustees

°Financial update


°Communication update

10:45 – 12:00 Director report - Overview of the 2021 and future activities:

°Overview of the project related activities

°AA Working groups

°2022 priorities

12:00 – 12:45 Updates latest activities:

°Student committee activities - Jerome Noailly

°VPH2022 - Joao Tavares

12:45 – 13:00 AOB

13:00 End of the meeting


If you're interested to attend, send an email to manager@vph-institute.org to receive the dialing information.

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