i~HD 2018 Annual Conference
When: 19/11/2018 - 20/11/2018 | Where: Gothenburg - Sweden
The conference will take place in Gothenburg on 19- 20 Nov 2018 and it will showcase how routinely collected health data (Real World Data) can be used to derive important knowledge insights, possibly uniquely from large scale data, and how these …
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Second International Conference on Systems Medicine entitled “Big Data: transition to practice”
When: 07/11/2018 - 09/11/2018 | Where: Utrecht - Netherlands
The second International Conference on Systems Medicine entitled “Big Data: transition to practice”, will take place in Utrecht from 7 to 11 of Nov 2018. The event will give delegates a flavour of cutting edge research and translation to the …
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Multiscale Modelling & Simulation on HPC
When: 30/10/2018 - 30/10/2018 | Where: Webinar
Multiscale phenomena are ubiquitous and are the key to understanding the complexity of our world. In computational research, tackling problems in a multiscale way reveals a deeper understanding of a system under investigation and higher-fidelity …
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19th International Conference on Systems Biology
When: 28/10/2018 - 01/11/2018 | Where: Lyon - France
The 19th International Conference on Systems Biology, ICSB2018 will be held from October 28th to November 1st 2018 at the Lyon Convention Center, FRANCE. The Lyon University has a long-standing tradition in promoting mathematics and informatics for …
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FAIR Data Management in Life Science
When: 27/10/2018 - 27/10/2018 | Where: Lyon - France
Deadline for registration is Friday October 12th.
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Seminar on Digital Solutions in Health and Prevention
When: 10/10/2018 - 10/10/2018 | Where: Brussels - Belgium
Digital solutions for better healthcare is a trending topic at the regional, national and even the EU-level. The European Commission recently published a Communication on the digital transformation of health, the Austrian Presidency sees it as one …
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