International Symposium on Living Heart and Virtual Twin for Humans
When: 08/12/2020 - 09/12/2020 | Where: On line
On Tuesday & Wednesday, December 8 and 9th, leaders from academia, the medical device, and pharmaceutical industries, clinicians, and regulators will come together to share the most current advances in the use of simulation for the human body for …
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Digital Health - Connect University Autumn School 2020
When: 21/09/2020 - 02/10/2020 | Where: On line
With the use of technology in health now more important than ever, this Autumn School aims to share knowledge and information about the latest innovations in the area of digital health. High-level experts and speakers from the European Commission …
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CCP Phenogenomics Conference
When: 17/09/2020 - 18/09/2020 | Where: Vestec - Czech Republic
The second CCP Phenogenomics Conference will take place on 17 - 18 September 2020 in Vestec. The conference is divided into two blocks. The first day will be devoted to the theme “From chemistry via preclinical pipeline to therapeutics“, which …
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CompBioMed Webinar #13
When: 16/09/2020 - 16/09/2020 | Where: Webinar
“Are we there yet?” — Addressing emerging drug discovery challenges for SARS-CoV-2 with artificial intelligence driven molecular dynamics
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Computing in Cardiology CinC2020
When: 13/09/2020 - 16/09/2020 | Where: Rimini - Italy
Abstract submission deadline 1 May 2020
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VPH2020 Conference going online!
When: 26/08/2020 - 28/08/2020 | Where: On-line
"When models, methods and experiments meet the clinics" 26 - 28 August 2020. The Abstract submission is closed. Abstract acceptance has already been sent around.
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