VPH2022 conference workshops
As parallel activities just before and after the VPH2022 conference, 4 interesting workshops took place organised by members of our community.
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EESC publishes an opinion on the European Health Data Space
On 12 September 2022, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) published its draft opinion on the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
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Contribute to make in silico medicine a reality: join our working groups
Have an active role and collaborate with the key experts in in silico medicine to bring in silico medicine to the next level!
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WHITE PAPER: the role of Artificial Intelligence within in silico medicine
A range of authors across academia and industry, representing both the VPHi and the Avicenna Alliance, have produced a new white paper on potential of the use of computer modelling and simulation in healthcare, with a particular focus on the role of Artificial Intelligence, that is intended to stimulate policy making, regulatory thinking and research strategies in this exciting space.
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2022 VPHi Best Thesis Award goes to Laura Baumgartner from UPF
Laura Baumgartner (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) won the VPHi Best Thesis Award in In Silico Medicine and presented her research work during the VPHi 2022 plenary Award Ceremony.
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History of Science: the birth of the digital twin in oncology and the development of the Oncosimulator
Presentation of the 1st early digital twin in oncology and beyond at the US NCI - ICBP meeting in 2007 by Georgios Stamatakos from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
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