Healthsector funds factsheet highlights EU priorities
On 18 July, the European Commission published a factsheet on the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) – Mobilising funds for the health sector. While the EU health sector is a very broad topic, the factsheet provides us with information about the priorities of the European Commission.
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Innovation scoreboard 2016: EU is becoming less innovative
The European Commission has published the European Innovation Scoreboard 2016 (previously called the Innovation Union Scoreboard) on 14 July.
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Event “Sustainable healthcare for all by 2030
The event entitled “Sustainable healthcare for all by 2030: Shared effort for a common goal”, took place on the 16th of June. The conference was mainly focused on improving health outcome in low and middle income countries (LMICs) outside of Europe.
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Working of the Scientific Advice Mechanism explained
On 12 July, the European Parliament ENVI Committee (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) held an exchange of views with Prof Henrik Wegener, chair of the High Level Group (HLG) of the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) on the work of SAM, which exists since 10 November 2015.
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Draft EU budget 2017 on health
On 11 July, a meeting of the ENVI Committee (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) of the European Parliament took place, to consider the draft opinion of the Committee on the 2017 draft EU budget.
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Horizon 2020: linking university research with R&D&I
Soledad CabezĂłn Ruiz MEP (S&D, Spain) has tabled a question on Horizon 2020 action to link University research with the end of the R&D&I chain on 12 May.
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