

  • European Innovation Council will receive €50M of the Horizon 2020 top-up

    The European Innovation Council (EIC) is supposed to receive €50 million of an extra €200 million expected to be awarded to the EU Horizon 2020 research programme.
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  • Commission awards the Seal of Excellence to 2300 researchers

    On 24 April 2017, the Commission awarded Seal of Excellence certificates to 2300 researchers thereby recognising their high-quality research proposals under the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).
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  • Regulation on Medical Devices and Regulation on in-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices adopted

    Two new Regulations on medical devices, which are meant to ensure better protection of public health and patient safety, came into force on 5 April 2017.
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  • The VPHi board identifies its business strategy for 2017

    The VPHi board of directors recently met in London for the first time under the directorship of Prof Lies Geris. Plenty of news emerged from the meeting.
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  • CARDIOPROOF – A VPH success story?

    The VPH project, CARDIOPROOF, was recently brought to conclusion after a successful run. EC reviewers highlighted the “considerable scientific and technical impact” of the project on which Europe now “must capitalize”.
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  • "Your body modeled in a computer?"

    A new press article fully dedicated on VPH published in BIOVOX, the digital news platform showcasing life sciences innovations.
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