

  • Commission participates to international In Silico Toxicology Protocol initiative

    The EC Joint Research Center (JRC) Directorate published on 22 November an article highlighting that JRC scientists are part of the international In Silico Toxicology (IST) Protocol initiative developing principles and protocols for the consistent use of computational models in chemical safety assessment to promote greater acceptance in regulatory applications.
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  • A comprehensive industrial policy on artificial intelligence and robotics

    On 14 November, the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE Committee) has published a draft report on “A comprehensive European industrial policy on artificial intelligence and robotics”.
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  • Launch of the European Open Science Cloud

    The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a new federation of open and pan-European research data infrastructures, has been launched on 23 November 2018.
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  • PhD Scholarships at The University of Edinburgh

    The research group directed by our VPH member Dr Miguel O. Bernabeu at The University of Edinburgh (UK) is currently looking for two ambitious and motivated PhD students.
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  • Call for participation to join the VPHi student committee

    Today we are opening a call for participation for the VPHi student committee. We are looking for motivated PhD students with interest in in silico medicine research willing to invest some energy and enthusiasm!
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  • REPO-TRIAL: an EC Project for In Silico Trial-Based Drug Repurposing

    Get to know more about one of the latest in silico medicine projects funded by the European Commission
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