

  • In silico method mentioned in JRC report on alternatives to animal testing

    On 7 February, the European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) published a status report on alternatives to animal testing.
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  • FDA Commissioner Gottlieb resigns

    Our President, Prof Marco Viceconti, shares his view on the recent resignation of the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, a supporter of in silico medicine.
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  • A virtual patient to conduct clinical trials in asthma

    Himanshu Kaul, our member from University of Toronto, reports the study of a new drug that reduces airway muscle mass in severe asthmatics. The strength of this work is the integration of findings from in vivo clinical trials and in vitro and computational models, demonstrating the key role of in silico clinical trials in the design of new drugs.
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  • Vacancy for a Full Professor in Applied Mechanics and Data Analysis at University of Twente

    This post belongs to the Hypatia chair scheme, which has the goal to increase the number of female talent in academic top positions.
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  • Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Modelling for Tendon Tissue Engineering at University of Oxford

    Application deadline 18 March 2019
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  • Teaching cardiovascular medicine to machines

    In a recent editorial, our member Pablo Lamata from King's College London describes how computers will pave the road towards the concept of the personalised medicine.
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