VPHi-UK chapter at the Biomedical Engineering conference
The VPHi-UK chapter has organised its first two events at the BioMedEng conference that was held in London on 6th September 2019.
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NeurIPS 2019: Learn to Move - Walk Around
Biomechanics experts sought for machine learning challenge to simulate gait
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VPH Institute answers the online consultation to shape Horizon Europe 2021-2024
The VPHi has responded to the consultation and called for its member support to stress the need for funding in silico technologies in the upcoming Horizon Europe framework. The deadline for contribution has been extended to 4 Oct 2019, don't miss this opportunity to make your voice heard!
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Commission launches call for proposals to develop AI Excellence Centres
The EC launched a new call for proposals to develop a European network of artificial intelligence excellence centres to enhance cooperation within the European Artificial Intelligence (AI) research community and boost technological advancements in the field of AI.
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MDIC White paper on "Best Practices for Communicating Benefit, Risk and Uncertainty"
MDIC is seeking public comments on its white paper, Best Practices for Communicating Benefit, Risk and Uncertainty. This paper will be part of a larger Framework for Patient Input in Medical Device Clinical Trials aiming to be published in Fall 2020.
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ERC Starting Grant for hi-fi cardiovascular modeling from super-fast MRI
The VPHi member, Cristóbal Bertoglio, from University of Groningen has recently been awarded an ERC Starting Grant, called CardioZoom that aims to make possible quantitative MRIs of thin cardiovascular structures at very short MRI scan times.
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