Regulatory guidelines for adoption of in silico models in drug development
The VPHi is leading a working group in collaboration with representatives of EMA and a number of experts from different fields to identify the most appropriate tools for verifying and validating in silico models in drug development.
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Post-doc on Scalability of in silico medicine models at University of Bologna
Application deadline 18 Nov 2019
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InSilc project promoted by the European Commission
The European Commission has published an article promoting the EU-funded InSilc project aiming to create an in silico clinical trials platform for designing and developing drug-eluting BVS
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Credibility of In Silico Trial Technologies
A new interesting position paper has been published by Prof Viceconti and all on the credibility of predictive models and the regulatory science aspects of in silico medicine. A must read for anyone working in the field!
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The new VPHi Board of Trustees elected
At the recent General Assembly held in Paris on 4 Oct 2019, the election process of the new Board of Trustees of the VPHi Institute was finalised.
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Online survey on the revised document on "Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe"
The EC has launched an online survey to share views on the revised version of the "Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe" document. The deadline for contribution is 17 November 2019
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