2020 VPHi-InSilicoTrials PhD Thesis Award in In Silico Medicine for potential application in industrial R&D
Application deadline 30 April 2020
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2020 Best VPHi Thesis Award in In silico Medicine
Application deadline 30 April 2020
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Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicines and medical devices
Officially opened on 19 Nov 2019, the EC call SC1-DTH-06-2020 is a great opportunity for funding for the VPHi community. The VPHi is available to join project consortia that will respond to this call.
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Report on the European Commission's Workshops on Common European Data Spaces
This event took place on 10 December 2020 at the European Parliament, organised by the EU40, the platform of young Pro-European Members. In the news full details on the presentation give by the new Health Commissioner Kyriakides.
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VPH Success Story: Respiratory Healthcare by Design
Computational approaches bringing respiratory precision and personalised medicine closer to bedside
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Two 3-year postdoc positions in bioreactor technologies and their digital twin for skeletal tissue engineering @KU Leuven
Application deadline: 14 Feb 2020
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