The Committee on Credible Practice of Modeling & Simulation in Healthcare (CPMS) invite you to join their next webinar, featuring Christina Friedrich, Chief Engineer at Rosa & Co.
The webinar will focus on "How to Ensure Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model Quality – Introducing the Model Qualification Method"
Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling considers drug mechanism of action in the context of biological disease mechanisms to improve understanding of human biology and pharmacology. QSP models differ from pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models in their purpose and data requirements, and there can be significant variability among QSP models in depth and breadth, specific research questions, and available data. Because of these differences, traditional prescriptive model validation approaches are neither appropriate nor sufficient. An alternative approach for ensuring QSP model quality is needed.
The Model Qualification Method (MQM) offers a general and customizable framework for ensuring QSP model quality, including consideration of scope and relevance, uncertainty, variability, and comparison to data.
This webinar will introduce MQM and present two case studies from Rosa’s practice to illustrate the utility of the method.
Registration is required to join this event.
Further information on the event can be found here